Hugo é ator, locutor, dublador, ator de voz original, diretor de voz original e casting e manipulador de bonecos.
Em 2020 torna-se a voz oficial do Canal Paramount Network Brasil, além de protagonizar a série Pequenos Grandes Talentos, na Globoplay.
Locutor de publicidade para campanhas de nomes como Apple, Samsung, Hyundai, Mc Donalds, Nivea, Asisc, Caloi, Goodyear, Yamaha, Lupo, Unimed, Ponto Frio, SESC, SENAC, etc.
Formado pelo Teatro Escola Célia Helena, graduado em RTV pela FAAP, estudou Teatro Musical na Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, em Londres.
Destacam-se seus personagens no programa Cocoricó – TV Cultura: Alípio, Astolfo, Kiko, Dona Astolfina, Esfarrapado, entre tantos outros programas.
Em Irmão do Jorel – Cartoon Network, é ator de voz original dos personagens Steve Magal, Perdigotto, Nico, Gesonel, Tosh, Coco Mágico, Jorginho, Dudu, MicroWave Warrior Totalfelx, entre outros, além de co-dirigir a primeira temporada da série. Sítio do Picapau Amarelo – Rede Globo/ Cartoon Network, (também dirigiu a terceira temporada) foi ator de voz original de Rabicó, Prof. Caramujo, Namorada do Rabicó, Soldado, entre outros. Diretor de Voz das séries Turma da Mônica e Turma da Mônica Jovem – Cartoon Network (também voz do Professor Sérgio).
Diretor de voz de Clube da Anittinha – Gloob e Diário de Pilar – NatGeo Kids e vozes de personagens convidados. Diretor de voz e ator de voz original de Rei Apetite, Brigadeiro e Suspiro em Zuzubalândia – Boomerang. Diretor de Voz de Mundo Ripilica – Discovery Kids e Bubu e as Corujinhas – Disney Jr.
São Paulo – Brasil
19 September 1975
50% of original budget
30 days after delivery
[email protected]
+55 1 1 9 8 6 8 3 – 7 9 1 3
+55 1 1 9 6 6 2 6 – 1 2 1 0
For quotes please provide: Placement, Placement Time, Voice Over Duration, Language, Time Frame and Voice Profile.
All voiceovers are carefully edited on Izotope RX and delivered to the highest standard.
Saliva & Breathing.
We edit the recording carefully to remove sounds of saliva and breaths.
Compression and Equalization
Compression consists of dynamic control of the voice over. Receive uniform audio with better intelligibility. We equalize all the phrases in order to guarantee the perfect balance between clarity and « body ».
High Definition
Unlike most voice actors that provide MP3, we deliver our audio in high definition (WAV or AIFF 48Khz 24bits). Quality first.
Creative Effects
Do you need a specialized effect, pitch shift or acceleration? Leave it to us.
Noisy Raccoon
Music Licensing
Noisy Racoon offers a vast variety of original tracks, placed in our online catalogue. We offer the copyrights for every type of media, like ads, tv shows, documentaries etc. Our clients save time, money and they know exactly the kind of product they are buying. We believe in quality over quantity. Gain some extra time choosing the perfect sound for you while you listen to a well and carefully selected material. Or if you’d prefer, we can do the research for you! All tracks are available in stereo and in 5.1 surround!
High End Infrastructure
Make the most of your project.
We can offer a complete solution for your audio demands. Sice 2008 we have the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most influential advertising agencies and clients. Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, LEW LARA | TBWA, JWT (Wunderman Thompson), Interbrand, AlmapBBDO, VML, Y&R (Young & Rubicam) are some of our clients.

[email protected]
A Sassél Strasse 14, 6702 Bellinzona
Ticino, Switzerland